Once You’ve Applied...


The path to becoming a licensed official is unique to each state, but here’s a general explanation of what you can expect:

Step 1: Submit an inquiry.

After submitting your information, you should receive an automated email providing additional information specific to your state.

Step 2: Connect with the individual(s) who will train you to become an official and those who will assign you to contests.

You should receive an email or phone call from the proper individual(s) in your state or local area within 10-14 business days of submitting your information. These individuals will explain how and where you can register to become an official, where local training meetings will take place, where and how to purchase uniforms and all the information to get you started within your local area.

Step 3: Get registered/licensed to officiate.

Once you have made all the proper introductions and have learned more about the process and the profession, it’s time to register either with your state association or local/board chapter (depending on the state). Officials’ associations charge registration fees, which can cover a variety of items, such as rulebooks, testing, officials’ insurance, background checks and other educational items. These fees vary by governing body.

Step 4: Enjoy the journey!

After you have registered/licensed with your state or local association and have met their respective requirements for officiating, you can start to officiate games! As a high school sports official, you will serve as an ambassador for your community and a guardian of fair play for the student-athletes who participate.